The Right Tool for the job they say!

Here is a list of tools which has mostly made my associates and me happy on my Data Engineering and software journey, take a look if you’re considering to hire me:-)


  • Bash
  • Zsh combined with the almighty Oh My ZSH and autocompletions to always the right options one step further.

Text Editors & IDE’s:

Version Control:

One can only Git with quality origins from:

And when the workflow (or rather lack of it) mysteries occur ¯_(ツ)_/¯, one might need to use:



Workflow Management

Continuous Deployment

Package managers

Static Site Generator

  • Hugo (Obviously;)
  • Have tried jekyll, but Hugo goes the extra mile with content organisation and it’s just too fast for everyone.

Data Visualisation:

Although this is my strong domain I have to mention these two open source enterprise ready beasts here:

as well as:


  • has a plethora of shapes to picture all things digital/cloud/software/processes/UML and more, also they’ve released an awesome desktop app.
  • & Icons

Miscellaneous project goodies:

  • One cannot go about without mentioning Atlassian and their almighty Jira and Confluence
  • Ohhh just Slack me please whenever there is something I should know, and quality alerting before anyone else or the panic spreads